Drug Store in a Cell | BareFacedTruth.com

Drug Store in a Cell

Preview of Coming Attractions. 

Dr George and I are taking on different topics this week.  I”ll give you a preview of his chosen topics shortly. As for me, I am obsessed with Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC’s) because I am currently writing a paper on them, and because we work with these cells every day, finding out new things about them. .  That won’t be ready for a while, but I can share with you along the way my observation, comments, discoveries, etc.

Question of the day (probably too easy given the intro) … what cell in the human body is so clever that it manufactures its own wide spectrum antiobiotic (a protein bacteria killer, effective against both gram positive and gram negative types)?

This just one of the many healing molecules made by these “cleverest of all human cells”.

This is a terrific paper I am citing several times in in my review (hence the title of this post):

The MSC: An Injury Drugstore Review Article
Cell Stem Cell, Volume 9, Issue 1, 8 July 2011, 1115

Back later with more info.





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