Can parents be expected to give an unbiased review of the amazing wonder and beauty of their newborn offspring ? Hardly. We all take such reviews with a large grain of sodium chloride, knowing that emotion overcomes logic, perceptions become filtered, and truth suddenly becomes a matter of interpretation rather than based on cold hard facts.
When BFT was launched last autumn, we promised a no holds barred approach to skincare science and products, and to educate our readership about the good, bad, and ugly of the cosmeceutical marketplace. From the feedback and participation we received, our efforts are appreciated and making a difference.
And, as we disclosed 6 months ago when we started this blog, Drs. John & George are physician-scientists in the world of stem cells and cosmeceuticals, and our day job is with a company called Cellese Regenerative Therapeutics. We also revealed that the company was working on a product. Many of you inquired along the way, and we promised to tell you when it reached the market. That product (AnteAge) has now been released.
We debated whether to discuss that product here at all, since the mission of barefacedtruth is uncovering the (sometimes ugly) truth in the world of cosmeceuticals, and educating about the underlying science, not promoting our own products. We asked some of our regular BFT readers what they thought. The typical reply was: “why not? … as long as you are discussing the science. Like why you chose certain ingredients, that sort of thing. In fact, we would love to hear more.”
Bias is a fact of life. We are all predisposed to negative or positive views of various things, based on our prior experience, training, and various motivations (especially economic). In the context of product reviews, it is best just to state your biases up front so that readers can judge for themselves whether the data and opinions have any merit at all, or are simply the product of these biases.
We are scientists and entrepreneurs. Our opinions of our own products are shaded by the fact that we are heavily invested (time and money), and the economic motivation that we might break even on all this (or even make a profit) someday in the distant future. Another obvious bias comes from the fact that we designed these products from the ground up based on our own scientific discoveries, knowledge base, and opinions about what works and what doesn’t.
Another area of curiosity we thought we thought we could satisfy is that which is reflected in a question we get a lot: how do products get from laboratory to market? Being the most transparent cosmeceutical scientists on the planet, we thought we could share some of that with you. Not everything (we do have a board of directors, and employment contracts with confidentiality clauses) but since BFT is separate we have an independent platform.
Having disclosed our inherent biases in no uncertain terms, we can now go about trying to give you a review that contains some useful facts and insights. Regardless of how we go about this, some will accuse us of shameless promotion, or of abandoning the truth mission of BFT. We are used to taking heat; that’s not a problem. We will try to do this with delicacy and self-awareness, and trying hard keeping our core principles intact. We also do it with tongue in cheek, as we often do around here, as you may have noticed. This wouldn’t be BFT if we did everything with a straight face.
Part 1. A brief history of AnteAGE
We are going to start with the AnteAGE genesis story. We want to share the process of discovery and product design. The trials and tribulations of moving from lab discovery through many steps before a product can be born. We hope you will find it interesting, and afford insight into the process of science.
AnteAge was in development for 3+ years. It went through multiple iterations, a gyrating course of discovery-testing-trial-more discovery and so forth. The key ingredient (stem cytokines) has actually been around for longer than that – and we were not the first to witness the skin rejuvenation benefits of cytokines. In fact, products based on earlier technologies and using other cell types under growth promoting conditions have been around for more than a decade (e.g. SkinMedica TNS serum, based on fibroblast cell conditioned medium, which contains a mixture of cytokines & related proteins).
We decided to employ not fibroblasts, but stem cells, and indeed a particular class of stem cell that is the subject of intensive work in many other stem cell laboratories around the world; one whose primary role on human physiology seems to be healing and regeneration. We have several posts here at BFT that reveal some of the wonders of these natural “911” cells and how they function. They are called mesenchymal stem cells (MSC ‘s). They are capable of migrating to injured areas where they are “grabbed” by tissues in need, and where they set up a command and control center to coordinate healing. They may engraft (attach and divide to become new tissue native cells (be it heart muscle or skin), but the majority of their work is orchestrating other cells. And they do it how? With cytokines. All cells create and respond to cytokines, but MSC’s are cytokine powerhouses. Again, this reflects their unique role in nature . They are all about communication (very talkative), and like to be in control (we were at one time tempted to call them mother-in-law cells, but first responders seems more appropriate in terms of what they actually accomplish ).
We are fortunate in that our principal collaborator at the university (one of the research docs on the stem cell institute) is an expert in cell biology, and a world class scientist. The laboratory has success to equipment and resources that are rare and quite valuable in our work. Plus, we are surrounded by other academic researchers working on all sorts of things related to stem cells. We have access to some of the greatest minds in the field.
Our key discoveries have to do with understanding the pattern of cytokines (there are hundreds) and how they can be like letters in a word. The patterns are important, as is the cross chatter between cytokines within a cell culture. By understanding the language of MSC’s we can harness their regenerative power. It’s important to remember, AnteAge as a product contains no cells or cell parts or cell organs or any of that (some of our “stem cell cream” competitors break apart whole cells). MSC’s are grown in “farms” of millions of MSC’s under strict sterile conditions in a university laboratory. Their environment is highly controlled. We mimic the niche they live in with the body. We “talk” to them. They produce abundant cytokines in regenerative patterns. We isolate them, leaving all that cell stuff behind. Cytokines are further processed to package them for delivery through skin (nanoliposomes).
Once we had demonstrated to our own satisfaction through various lab and clinical tests that stem cytokines provide benefits to aging skin, we began to design a complete system. As clinicians we are always looking to the evidence base for best practices and solid efficacy data. So we went to the published literature to find what other biochemical actives work, their level of evidence, how they work (or “mechanism of action” at a cell biology level), in what dosages, on what parts of skin, their chemical characteristics, cross compatibilities, and absorption characteristics. Armed with all that, we hired a highly experienced and quite well known cosmetic chemist, who worked with us diligently through many iterations to come to the products we now call AnteAge. Each active that made the final cut has solid evidence for efficacy and safety, does not conflict with other ingredients (plays nice with others), and fits nicely into the overall puzzle. In some cases there is overlap (e.g. cytokines amongst the many things they do, affect collagen synthesis, as do “collagen-fragment” peptides –but act on different pathways, so they can be expected to be additive).
AnteAge is a dual-part system. A serum, and an accelerator which is more like a light cream in texture and substance. Either alone is actually a complete product, but they are designed to work together. Separating the actives into two parts like this gave us much more flexibility, as the storage characteristics and behavior of the “emulsions” in each are different. We get better stability and shelf life, particularly for liposomes and nanosomes. We don’t have to put “things that sting” in there. The serum goes on first, and is allowed to sit for a minute before applying the accelerator.
The formulation stage was a challenge for all involved. We utilized multiple contract laboratories to produce a series of “lab batches” of each product. We would test each batch with a small group of beta subjects, and we went through multiple iterations, solving a variety of problems along the way, as we perfected the serum and accelerator to the satisfaction of our beta group. We are very fortunate that Cellese’s COO – Steve Rockey, MBA (he goes by just plain “Rockey” – no first name needed – kind of like Ghandi), is a diehard perfectionist himself. Nothing escapes this man’s attention and close scrutiny. He passionately cares about the quality of the products. He and his team are simply the best. How’s that for an unabashedly biased review?
The next stage in the development was a clinical trial of the system as a whole. We recruited 49 people (45 women and 4 men) to a trial taking place in the final quarter of 2011. The results surprised even us. We had been through a small clinical trial with an early generation of our stem cytokines active with another formulation, marketed through others, and had seen positive results way back then. But the continuing development work had paid off – we were now seeing stellar results in 12 different skin parameters that relate to aging, no adverse reactions, and very happy subjects. At one point we started to worry that we had inadvertently created an addictive substance. Several who ran out of trial supplies were calling and e-mailing in panic that they might miss a day.
Once the clinical trial was completed, several more months were required to work through the maze of tasks involving containers (they need to be in airless pumps to keep the proteins fresh), labels, artwork, manufacturing, inventorying ingredients (some are not easily obtainable, and so we had to stockpile these months in advance), working with contract manufacturers, sterility & stability testing, regulatory hoops, logistics, etc . There’s much more, this is a short list. Again, applause to Rockey and his tireless efforts.
AnteAGE by Cellese was launched Q2 2012. We are delighted with the early market response. We have had a couple of glitches e.g. (containers that weren’t assembled correctly, that needed to be replaced, and resulted in a recheck of the entire inventory). We have nothing but positive feedback from the early adopters out there. Although we caution everyone (ourselves included) that these types of skin care products take several months to achieve full benefit. Which is why we tend to look askance at those who change products monthly and then review them, ignoring the overlap, and the time lag of effects..
Meanwhile we continue to “push the envelope” (we are chock full of cliches today). We have accelerated our research and development program, further refining the value we can extract from farms of millions of hard working stem cells making just the right pattern of cytokines for you. We have a collaboration beginning with a world class anti-aging research lab which we anticipate will drive further discoveries. We are generating new and quite interesting data from experiments which we hope to be able to share with you soon. We are also exploring some other quite fascinating areas that we think will bear fruit pretty quickly (e.g. the world’s most direct antioxidant system, wrapped into a variety of skin care products, and so potent that you can even bathe your whole body in it). We are talking whole body anti-aging.
Now we have been through this history, and really haven’t said much in terms of a product review. We had to save something for part 2 of this series. We will be looking next at the ingredients (why each one and the combo), share more news about stem cytokines, and discuss the results of the clinical trial.
Feel free to leave comments.
Back soon with part 2 of the unabashedly biased review.
Appreciate the honesty, it’s interesting to get some more background. Looking forward to reading the published research!
I have ordered 2 samples one for my husband as well so I cannot wait to try out but my question is that will you be bringing out a body creme anytime soon?
Hi Jina, we are working on a body product. Can’t say too much now, but we are very excited about it. Based on some unique chemistry involving H (#1 on the periodic table).
Thank you for the update Dr J. As Firefox said, appreciate the honesty about your ‘baby’.
A body product, wow! Would it contain your signature ingredient, or just this unusual hydrogen based Thingie? (That’s the scientific term! 🙂
Apple: “we never discuss future products”. BFT: “let’s talk about the future”. Cellese is somewhere in the middle.
I have a question: you say yourself that a product needs many months before seeing real result… The test objects were on a 6-weeks trial…
Why didn’t you have a longer trial?…
Clinical trials, especially larger ones like ours, are logistically challenging and expensive to conduct. While the main trial stopped at 8 weeks, we do have a small subset of subjects we follow long term, and will report on their progress in the near future. Anecdotally I can say that those folks who have used it for 6 months report continual improvements.
The research and product sounds remarkable!
Are you going to publish your results in peer reviewed journals?
Yes. It takes awhile though.
whoo-hoo!! i’m very excited to learn more as well as try the products. good job!
Grateful to have discovered this site. Am ordering some for myself to try before ordering for my center.
I’ve been wondering – what happened to Part 2 of this article? I’d like to read more of what you have to say about Anteage. I just ordered some and I have just started using it – so far, so good!
Thanks for the effort and this site!
So glad you like the product, so far. We have been so busy in our new research efforts and reaching new customers that we have been negligent in reporting the science to you. I promise to do a followup piece in the next few days. Thank you for reminding, and hope to hear back from you once you have experience with AnteAge.
I may be out of my depth here, but I wonder if mesenchymal stem cells secrete cytokine as a reaction to damage, theoretically would damaging the dermis (through dermal rolling, LED, laser treatments etc) enhance the effectiveness of the cytokines? In essence could we attract the cytokines to deeper layers and pump up their restorative action?
I know you addressed the healing benefits of using your AnteAge product post-dermal rolling in your “Matrix-Elastin” post, but I wonder if you’ve looked at or are planning to look at how or if the damage affects the function of the cytokines.
Hi Michelle, I would state it the other way around. Stem cytokines in AnteAge should enhance the effectiveness of any procedure that works by causing damage with the hope that healing will bring with it younger and thicker and healthier matrix with it. But you are spot on with your suggestion that we would want to know how damage effects cytokine production. We have examined that, and continue to do so. The crux is this: damage in the short term causes inflammation, and the faster that is resolved in favor of “non-inflammatory healing” (regenerative, or scarless healing) the better for your skin (for reasons that are hopefully now obvious). We continue to be very concerned about the long term use of any product with ingredients that inflame. We continue to encounter evidence that such a practice would lead to accelerated aging, not anti-aging.
Although I haven’t read your complete website yet, I am already intrigued… Perhaps you could spare a moment to learn a bit about Hailey-Hailey Disease (http://omim.org/entry/169600) and any possible positive effects that cytokines could have in treatment of this condition. Interestingly, the symptoms are rarely seen much before the age of 30. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me further – this is the most promising area of treatment that I have come across in many years.
Hi Jules, proinflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8 play important roles in the regulation of ATPA2 and ATP2C1 which are implicated as downstream results of the genetic abnormalities in Hailey-Hailey Disease. I heard recently about someone using anti-cytokine antibodies against these culprits. Very interesting.
Hello Drjohn, i’m interested in buying the AnteAge trial and travel size cream. How many days would it last? And is it enough to see results on your skin?
About enough for 10 days. Many skin issues see improvement within hours (I know that sounds insane – but we will share some 6 hour before/after pictures here soon). These are generally pigmentary issues with lots of inflammation, and hydration is improved rapidly, as is tone. Pores also are often reported to shrink. Things that take longer than 10 days are the more chronic inflammatory issues with structural changes like acne scars and fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots, laxity, that sort of thing. These require time to regenerate new dermal and epidermal structures.
For the layperson, what are the circumstances under which the adult (youth) human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells are collected? Are these voluntary donations?
These are paid volunteers. Generally college students. They have to undergo extensive screening (history, blood tests, etc) to assure they are healthy. The procedure is done under local anesthesia. The volumes removed are quite small, similar to the bone marrow diagnostic procedure commonly performed to evaluate anemias. A young body replenishes this quickly. One sample can be expanded in culture (cells make many more cells) to millions of cells. These cells are then employed using proprietary protocols to manufacture an amazing array of anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, and a bunch of other signaling molecules.
It’s tempting for me to try out your products. How long will your 30ml bottle last, and how soon will we be able to see results? 🙂
Lasts about 6-8 weeks typically. Which is about the time you would see significant results.
Hey docs, thanks again for this awesome resource. I had a couple of questions if you don’t mind:
1. I see that AnteAge has peptides equivalent to Matrixyl 3000. Why was Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-38 (marketed as Matrixyl Synthe’6) excluded? Cost? Redundant? Unproven?
2. Do you use liposomal/nanosomal encapsulation for the peptides or just the cytokines? If you don’t, would you consider that a good or bad idea – in other words would encapsulation potentially take the peptides *past* the layer where you want them? I ask because I’m thinking of using these peptides for non-face areas, and liposomal encapsulated peptides seem to be available in bulk.
3. since your cytokines come from the multipotent BM-MSCs of young donors, if I use your product, is it accurate to say I bathe in the blood of virgins?
Charles, excellent questions as always. There is good in vitro and in vivo evidence for palmitoyl pentapeptide-3 (Pal-KTTKS) which is a relatively small synthetic molecule. Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 (he other part of Matrixyl Synthe’6) has different claims – to reduce inflammatory cytokines, certain interleukins. But when we examine the experiments they performed in vitro they make little sense to us. And that is what AnteAge does so well – it pushes the balance of all the interleukins, growth factors, mRNA’s etc to be very anti-inflammatory. So, even if the newer molecule worked, it would be totally redundant and would be overwhelmed by the more direct approach we take. The Pal-KTTKS is “palmitoylated” which means it is bound to a lipid, which makes it penetrate and stay in the dermis and epidermis. There is good data for this. There is no worry about nanoencapsulated cytokines and growth factors getting past the skin – these are totally natural human molecules and would be like spitting in the ocean if they reached the circulation.
Rather than bathing in the blood of virgins (no blood, and probably few are virgins) I would term it “bathing in the same natural growth factors you had in abundance in your youth”.
Hi Docs,
I am thinking of ordering the Anteage products. How do they compare with the Skinmedica TNS products or Neocutis products? I am 64 and live in Arizona where the climate is very dry. Is the Anteage system compatible with an additional moisturizer, sunscreen or make up? Do you have any recommendations for an additional moisturizer or sun screen?
Hi Nancy, we get lots of kudos from persons living in dry climates, be it the desert or high altitudes or cold winters. AnteAge is a perennial best seller in the ski resorts of Western Colorado, and in Rancho Mirage and Palm Springs! You can use it under makeup or sunscreen, yes.
Skinmedica TNS and Neocutis derive their mixture of growth factors from fibroblasts, not stem cells. Studies have show that mesenchymal stem cells in culture make 10-50 times as much of these valuable peptides and proteins. Plus there are mRNA’ and nicroRNA’s and exosomes that are unique to the fact that stem cell’s role is to make new cells and differentiate into e.g. fibroblasts. But the role of fibroblasts is to make matrix proteins (like HA and then collagen). In the pecking order of regeneration, stem cells are the generals. Fibroblasts are the corporals. Who barks the orders (through biosignaling molecules)? It’s the generals. And MSC’s are the 4 star generals. Their whole job is repair and regenerate. Both SkinMedica TNS and Neocutis have unpleasant odors, according to formwer users. The fibroblasts in the case of Neocutis are derived from newborn foreskins. They don’t like to talk about that, we have found.
My question is related to the application of mesenchymal stem cells, derived from bone marrow, and other information I have found regarding stem cells being unable to survive being added to skin care products. For example, from an on line source, “Stem cells in skincare products do not work as claimed; they simply cannot deliver the promised results. In fact, they likely have no effect at all because stem cells must be alive to function as stem cells, and by the time these delicate cells are added to skincare products, they are long since dead and, therefore, useless”.
Thank you.
Lindsay, some writers are uninformed. It is not the cells, but what they cells make in the lab, that is applied to the skin. And that is pretty much how your own stem cells work in your body, by creating these same exact molecules. So the products are truly mimicking natural mechanisms of youthful regeneration. Please write to those authors and tell them about the amazing world of stem cells of which they are unaware. We can point them to many thousands of high quality peer-reviewed scientific publications they can read if they want to expand their knowledge.
Are stem cytokines signaling proteins? I’m having trobule understanding the fact that stem cells cannot live in a skincare product.
“Skin care products do not contain actual stem cells. Whether the source is plant, animal or human stem cells, these cells are living things, which are way too large to penetrate the stratum corneum (the outer layer of the skin) for topical application, and too fragile to exist in skin care formulations. What can be helpful for topical skincare formulas are the signaling proteins and/or metabolites that the stem cells secrete as part of their normal rejuvenating functions. These can be valuable for skin that has lost its useful supply of these due to the aging process.”
Yes, Lindsay. The signaling molecules spoken of are stem cytokines. Growth factors are in fact one type of cytokine. There are also a other classes, interleukins, AMP’s (antimicrobial peptides, like the defensins), mRNA, miRNA. T
Thank you for the prompt response.
So cytokines (growth factors) are proteins, but not living? But that doesn’t matter? They will still regenerate?
So the stem cytokines still need to be from mesenchymal stem cells for best results? Meaning, plant growth factor doesn’t work. I aks because in my research I have discovered a product line called Stemology. They use mesenchymal cells from bone marrow and plant stem cells. Any advantage there?
Finally, are peptides able to penetrate the skin? For example I am currently using a product that has peptide 38 in it, I think from plant stem cellls?
Thanks in adavance. I am simply a comsumer trying to understand this.
Lindsay, cytokines & growth factors are molecules, not cells, so we cannot say they are living, but they are totally natural and native to humans. These same molecules are the ones your body used as it was developing and growing, and for repair and regeneration. They are at the core of regenerative medicine. Plant growth factors do not work, and a botanist or any other real scientist will laugh if you suggest they will. Plants use entirely different molecules to drive their growth. If you body could listen to the signals, it might grow a leaf or make chlorophyll. The notion is absurd. I would not trust any company that sells plant stem cells because it signifies they know little about science. Its like going to a botanist to have heart surgery. Except the vast majority botanists are not ethically challenged (like some skin care companies) and would to refer you to the right docs. Peptides can enter the skin. It helps if they are nano’ized and attached to lipids. We welcome your questions.
Thank you.
From another on line source, it is being suggested that the “activity of growth factors is lost withing days in water or as solids at normal temps”. How does this factor into packaging of growth factor molecules and thier effective ability to interact with the skin?
“A shortcoming of HGFs, according to an article by Dr. Donald R. Owen in Global Cosmetic Industry (March 1999)…Actual growth factors such as EGF and TGF-B lose their activity within days in water or even as solids at normal temperatures …. ” (http://www.paulaschoice.com/cosmetic-ingredient-dictionary/definition/human-growth-factor)
I guess I don’t understand the value of peptides. Are peptides supposed to work like growth factor? Does it matter if peptides come from plants or humans in order to have an effect on the skin, similar to plant growth factors not working on human skin?
From another on line source, “Another twist on the stem cell issue is that cosmetics companies are claiming they have taken components (such as peptides) out of the plant stem cells and made them stable so they will work as stem cells would or that they will influence the adult stem cells naturally present in skin.” (http://www.paulaschoice.com/cosmetic-ingredient-dictionary/definition/stem-cells)
Thank you.
Lindsay, like all proteins, there is ample opportunity for degradation, from oxidation to simple unfolding. Here is how to prevent same – 1. Freeze proteins up until you use them in a formulation, 2. Wrap them in a molecular protective lipid envelope. We use nanolipid technology, and also hyauronosomes. HA itself is a natural protectant, as it has carrier grooves that fit GF’s (which is where they attach in your body to last longer), 3. Make sure nothing else in your formula is hard on proteins (acids, some preservatives, and 4. Make sure you have a covering so they don;t sit on the skin surface and dry out there. That is why AnteAge is a two-part system.
I have never heard of Dr Owen, and 1999 was a long time ago, and industry mags have a habit of asking non-experts to answer expert questions. I doubt he knows anything of the above, as much has been invented since 1999.
Anything you read about plant stem cells working as signals to human skin is science fiction. You can ignore it.
Peptide means small protein. Growth factors are peptides. You are thinking of the term peptide as used to describe some actives in skin care. Most of them are nonsense, unnatural, unphysiologic, no good lab or clinical data to speak of. There are a few (like GHK that are proven, but only a few. GF’s have 40 years and hundreds of thousands of publications showing what they do.
My question is Can we use estee lauder advance night repair with Ante age serum ? instead of anteage accelerator. or use accelerator 2-3 night with serum and advance night repair other night of the week and during the day after serum ? What would be an ideal regimen for someone with melasma and combination skin. I would love to hear from you any product recommendation to use with ante age serum. And please recommend good sunscreen. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you
Yes, you can use them together, in any combination. Use the AnteAge serum first, always. We have seen some superb results with AnteAge for melasma, but we are also working on a radically new product, based on key communications between stem cells and melanocytes, that we believe will truly be a game changer. Stay tuned. Our favorite sunscreens come from Tizo. Medical grade, world class.
I just stumbled into this “discussion”, after reading the article here on the bft website about EGF’s. First I want to say I am not from the US, I am from Northern Europe and as much as skincare and anti ageing is huge there too, there is generally a scepticism for using more invasive products that may come with a bunch of side effects or unwanted effects, like medication so to speak….
I have however been trying to read up on what EGF’s are since I am interested of course as all women over forty, (and I guess sadly today even women who have not yet left adolescence are), in what you can do to prevent your skin from ageing at least too fast. Also in my age and with my heritage I have begun developing mild Rosacea, that is highly annoying and experience some hormonal changes. But I always get stuck at the horrors of thinking that anything you may put on your skin might cause you way worse problems like unwanted cellular change and even faster development of cancer that many do suggest EGFs may increase the risk for.
Now to my questions… And I know of course this is a biased discussion. But I still would like to hear you elaborate some in this topic. There was especially one thing that the BFT article touched on that made me wonder a bit. In the article EGFs are discussed back and fourth and they describe the risks for developing cancer as EGFs can’t cause cancer, but if you already have undetected potential cancer developing in your body, the use of EGFs may so to speak boost the cancer… Now there are of course other things that can boost cancer like excessive sugar intake, too much sun and so on. But like the article said. The typical target audience for anti ageing skincare usually is a person who may already have sensitised skin, sun damaged skin, may be in an age when cell changes begin and so on…
Now what are your thoughts on this topic? More specifically, are there people or situations in which it would not be advisable to use EGFs or products like the line you are developing that from the sound of it seem even more potent? Or is the discussion about EGFs vastly exaggerated? And if so, what makes it exaggerated?
Also, would the use of your products also help with skin conditions like Rosacea? Or are they too active to use on irritated skin?
Thank You in advance if you take the time to look into my questions! And also for offering your time and knowledge, biased or not… 😉
Best Wishes
Our view on all growth factors is the same as our view on all vitamins. We think they are great. We think sometimes they need supplementing. But if you supplement irrationally, you can cause problems. Witness the legacy of Adele Davis who likely caused the deaths of a good number of people back a half century ago with her whacky vitamin recommendations. Do GF’s cause cancer? No. DNA mutations cause cancer. Can GF’s be used by cancers to make trouble? Yes. Can you feed a cancer with GF’s. Yes, because all tissues use or respond to GF’s in some fashion. Just as with vitamins. It is well established that good nutritional status can feed a tumor. Oner of the early arguments against TPN (intravenous feeding) in cancer patients in the early days of my career. GF’s are like many other technologies – they can be used for good or evil. Cancers are like the evil empire. Don’t blame those conquered by them and put into service like the Jews in Nazi Germany.
In general we say supplement with GF’s in a way that mimics nature. Restore skin to youthful levels, but do not take a single GF in obscene doses, summing up to a pharmacologic rather than physiologic effect. No heaping up of nasty plump tissues. Do no evil!
As for rosacea – we have that solved. These pictures are of a Danish pharmacist with severe rosacea are 48 hours apart – before and after starting AnteAge.
I love your site! I have become obsessed with skin care recently because I grew up in Miami where I allowed my skin to burn constantly and now I really regret it.
I was searching for products to help my skin as much as possible from here on out, but I have a question… Am I too young to begin using ANTEAGE?
I never really had skin problems except for mild breakouts and sun burns, and everyone constantly tells me I look 16 but I am desperate to help it now as much as possible. Thoughts?
Hi Rachel, You didn’t tell us your actual age. But if you look 16 I suspect you are well under 33 (the age wrinkles begin). Although we have heard about people using AnteAge to treat sunburn, with remarkable results, that’s probably not reason enough to purchase these products. I would suggest find get a high end sunscreen product and use it faithfully, day in and day out. We are doing one this year for ski resorts – we are calling it avant et apres (before and after in French) but the daytime product (avant ski) is a super sun block plus some DNA repair (for rays that get through), while the apres ski serum accomplishes both repair and rejuvenation using human stem cell technology. It’s good for any age. It’s great that you are a skin nerd at your tender age. Maybe you could come and work for Cellese! We are skin nerd headquarters.
Regarding the niacinamide in AnteAge, does niacinamide inhibit sirtuins? This confuses me because sirtuins also utilise NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).
Does Pro-Niacin (myristyl nicotinate) avoid the sirtuins issue?
Many thanks.
Sophisticated and fascinating question but before we answer it, let’s provide a brief review of sirtuins for our readership.
Sirtuins (“silent information regulator genes”) are found in virtually all species from bacteria to mammals. They are involved in regulating important biological processes such as ageing, cellular death, inflammation and metabolism. Currently, the best hypothesis is that sirtuins protect cells from dying when they’re under stress, as well as influencing energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) plays a critical supporting role in sirtuin enzyme activity, as does the amide form of this vitamin–niacinamide–which inhibits sirtuin enzyme activity. But this is far from a simple relationship. Rather it is linked to the energy status of the cell via the cellular NAD:NADH ratio, the absolute levels of NAD, NADH or niacinamide or a combination of these variables. Needless to say, the complex role, effect, and influencers on sirtuin effect on skin is unpredectable.
So why do AnteAGE products contains niacinamide? Because it provides numerous scientifically validated benefits that improve the appearance and health of skin – reductions in fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmented spots, red blotchiness, and skin sallowness (yellowing). In addition, elasticity (as measured via cutometry) is improved.
Long winded answer. Does that help?
Thanks very much for your response.
Do you think the Palmitoyl Oligopeptide / Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 blend in AnteAGE is more effective than the Sederma Matrixyl 3000?
I have only been able to find clinical studies on Sederma’s Matrixyl 3000, not any other Palmitoyl Oligopeptide / Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 blend. But I assume that using different ratios of Palmitoyl Oligopeptide : Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 would yield different clinical results.
Thanks again.
Matrixyl 3000 is the trade named combination product for palmitoyl oligopeptide / palmitoyl tetrapeptice-7,
Sorry, my question wasn’t worded as clearly as it could have been. By “Matrixyl 3000” I mean the Sederma stock solution glycerin, water, butylene glycol, carbomer, polysorbate 20, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7.
Since Sederma’s concentrations of peptides in Matrixyl 3000 stock solution are proprietary, do the peptides in AnteAGE have different concentrations compared to Sederma’s Matrixyl 3000 (e.g. perhaps AnteAGE uses more Palmitoyl Oligopeptide and less Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, so the ratio of the two peptides will be different to the ratio Sederma uses)? If so, how do you know that the peptides in AnteAGE will deliver the anti-aging effects seen in Sederma’s Matrixyl 3000 clinical studies?
Thank you for considering my question and providing such a great website. I look forward to your reply.
It is only the GHK peptide that we seek. We rely on the extensive published data on GHK (here is a nice recent review) rather than Sederma for validation or for dosing guidelines. Pal-GHK is just an easily absorbed form of GHK.
Hi,,I am 30 year old,,I do have little bit Milia under my eyes.I used to have really bad breakouts,,Then I used Accutane for 6 month.My skin is totally fine accept that Milia under my eyes.I wants to purchase your product.But you think it will work for me,,Also wondering if it’s going to break out my skin..Does it helps with discoloration,or with the scares.If yes,,then where I can buy it,,and what is the proper name of it,,Thanks ahead for your timing.
Hi Sandeep. Yes. it helps with discolorations, and promotes anti-scarring anti-inflammatory regeneration of skin. We have anecdotal data suggesting it helps with milia as well in some cases.
Hi, I noticed there is now an MD version of the Anteage products. How do I purchase them, since they are not for sale on the website.
AnteAGE MD is sold through physician offices and medical aesthetic spas only. Our reseller census is growing but for some people, there is no one nearby that carries the product. For those people we can sell product through our research clinic in California since I am the medical director and a licensed physician. Contact us with a phone number to call and we’ll set you up, or let you know if one of our resellers is nearby to where you live. You can contact us via barefacedtruth.com or AnteAGE.com.
Hi there. It’s been awhile since grad school so I don’t remember as much about cytokines. I was wondering, since they’re involved in the inflammation cycle, do you extract specific cytokines that don’t increase inflammation? Also, does the product contact any retinol? I know some researchers believe that the inflammation caused by retinol can age skin further in the long run. And lastly, does Skinmedica TNS extract similar cytokines from the fibroblasts they culture? Thank you so much for your time 🙂
Hi Jenny. You are partly correct. We do not extract specific cytokines in the stem cell cultures, but we drive the stem cells down certain pathways (biomimicry) to assure a “net anti-inflammatory” pattern of cytokines & growth factors. There is no retinol in AnteAGE serum, but there is a retinol in the accelerator. SkinMedica TNS is based on the conditioned medium of fibroblasts. All cells make the same cytokines (its the language by which cells communicate with one another) but not in the same quantities or patterns. Published studies show that fibroblasts in culture produce only 1/10 to 1/50 as much of the key C&GF’s as mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow origin. These stem cells are specialized for growth and repair. Fibroblasts are far more common.
Thanks for the response 🙂 I ordered my serum and accelerator and I couldn’t believe how fast it was shipped. I wasn’t even charged a shipping fee. Thank you for being so detailed and informative in all your responses. Your blog makes me feel like I attended a physiology lecture. Have a merry Christmas!
Hello, Can AnteAge reverse, or heal, the effects of steroid cream damage? I am 47 years old. I thought I burned my forehead and nose with apple cider vinegar and a dermatologist prescribed hydrocortisone 2.5% cream to apply twice daily for 2 weeks. He then prescribed desonide cream with the same instructions. I did not apply the hydrocortisone to my nose, but I did apply the desonide cream for only a few days. I started to notice discoloration on my nose and immediately stopped treatment. The discoloration is on the area where I previously had rhinoplasty surgery. I consulted with another dermatologist and was informed I was misdiagnosed regarding burning my face and should not have applied any steroid creams. It has been 5 months since I stopped treatment and my nose is not healing, appears to be slightly indenting on the side and the discoloration is slightly worsening. I have included links to images if you feel inclined to look. Thank you for your time.
This is an image of a young man who was treated for seborrheic dermatitis with a steroid cream on his forehead. You can see the steroid induced dermatitis. After two weeks of treatment with AnteAge the dermatitis has disappeared. It never returned, and neither did the seborrheic dermatitis.
Does AnteAGE use any recombinant DNA techniques (such as those used for HGH) in the preparation of its growth factors and cytokines?
I contacted Cellese about this but did not receive an answer. I hope you can answer my question.
Good question. AnteAGE is derived from human stem cells directly, and does not use recombinant technology. So the growth factors and cytokines are human and of human origin (in the technical sense of human cell cultures). Now, Cellese also has created a synthetic version from its stem cell technology, called Poly-GF. Here we replicate a stem cell pattern of C&GF, but we do so using recombinant technology. Thus Poly-GF is not “of human origin” although the individual molecules are precisely the same as human and in the right pattern.
Hi, I had a chemical burn in my cheek 2 weeks ago, my dermatologist prescribed your ”Stem Biogel” MD for healing my skin. it’s been great, slowly but steady my healing, now it looks like a pinkish skin but my color of skin is tan.
Do you recommend the serum and the accelerator also to seed the process or should I stick with the Biogel for a longer period? (I’m worried about the retinol in the Accelerator could cause exfoliation/irritation instead of creating new skin on the burn?). The BIOGel brings TGF-B3, the serum or accelerator also brings this?
And by the way, I don’t see that gel for sell in the official website. Where can I buy it online or any of the MD line? Thanks!!
Was this an intentional or accidental chemical burn (i.e. chemical “peel”)? Certainly, the fact that the skin is healing in a pink color vs. the normal color of your skin, which is tan, is perfectly normal. The newly healed skin takes time to for the epidermal layer to thicken, for the keratinocytes to proliferate, and take up the melanosomes produced by your melanocytes. Unless the melanocytes have been harmed by too aggressive a burn, your color should return, although entirely back to normal can be difficult to predict.
BioGel is a wonderful topical occlusive made from vegetable lipids (oils) vs. petroleum (e.g. Aquaphor) that also contains boric acid and TGF-beta 3. A very successful strategy for accelerated and minimally inflamed healing, is use of AnteAGE MD Serum along with BioGel until healing is complete, then introduce Accelerator.
You can purchase AnteAGE MD products from medical practice resellers. If there is not one in your location, you can contact BFT again and we’ll arrange for you to purchase through our research clinic and medical director.
I noticed you recommended AnteAGE Serum and BioGel to help recover from a burn. What about surgical scars? I had breast augmentation 2 weeks ago and am about to start scar treatment with bioCorneum plus SPF 30 Advanced Scar Supervision. Can I use AnteAGE Serum & BioGel in combination with bioCorneum or as a replacement? Also, where can I buy AnteAGE MD products in New York City?
bioCorneum with SPF is a silicone based anti-scar product, combined with a sunscreen. Silicone gels and sheets have proven benefits in scar prevention and treatment, the mechanism of action related to improved hydration secondary to reduced water loss, prevention of bacterial invasion, modulation of growth factor expression (FGF beta, TGF beta, etc.), reduced itch and discomfort, a smooth scaffold for cellular migration and proliferation. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2918339/ and http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ddg.13027/full)
Use of AnteAGE and AnteAGE MD Serum has over the past several years proved beneficial in reducing inflammation and speeding healing following burns. A video provided by a California plastic surgeon showed accelerated healing and reduced inflammation when AnteAGE MD Microneedling Solution was applied to his own full thickness forehead laceration. He declared the results “quite amazing.” Because it is well known that inflammation, if prolonged and excessive, leads to fibrosis (scarring), moderating inflammation is helpful. BioGel provides occlusion and anti-inflammatory signals in a plant-based lipid dressing (replacing the petroleum jelly used in other products.) BioGel is particularly well-suited for larger areas such as following laser resurfacing. For your recent incision, use of Serum or Microneedling Solution without BioGel makes sense.
AnteAGE MD products can be purcahsed at TRIBECA MEDSPA in New York City. This prestigious venue has been voted #1 Medspa in America. We are proud they have become a reseller of our products.
Can I buy online ?
Sure, Joan. Go to AnteAGE.com; if interested in AnteAGE MD, let us know so we can connect you with one of our many physician/medspa resellers.
Hi Dr George,
I am thoroughly confused. I understand the science behind the products so perhaps my confusion will be easy to clear up. 🙂
What is the difference between Procell and Cellese? Just different companies?
I suppose that would also bring me to the question of: What is the difference between the AnteAGE and Livra renewal & accelerator products? (MD versions as well…)
Thank you!
Amanda, don’t be confused. Cellese is extremely proud to associated with ProCell – we make their products and love their entire team.
Hi again Dr George,
I ordered the Anteage renewal and accelerator. The package came today (2 day shipping) but unfortunately it was put in the mailbox so it sat in there for 3 hours. I live in Florida so it’s terribly hot and humid (90 degrees out today), could this compromise the effectiveness of any of the ingredients in the products?
Thank you for all your knowledge and help!
The conditions most likely to impact the bio-signals (small proteins and polypeptides), in ours or any similar products, are acidic and basic pH and excessive heat. This would apply to the Serum more than the Accelerator since it contains significantly more growth factors and cytokines. The good news is our packaging has very substantial insulating properties: the corrugated cardboard mailing box has significant air pockets within its walls, there are large air spaces between the shipper and the outer product boxes, air between the box and the product in the airless pumps. Finally, the airless pumps have an outer decorative sleeve and an inner pump apparatus, again with a sizable air space between them. While we don’t advocate leaving product in the heat as a general practice, with so much insulating capability to the many layered packaging, I would not anticipate the product being significantly impacted by the conditions you describe. An all day, or multiple day exposure would be a different matter.
I have an old facial scar from a childhood injury (close to 40 yrs old). I’ve heard microneedling with stem cells (like Anteage) can get rid of old scars. I’ve found a lot of photos of improvement of acne scars, but this is an injury scar. It was stitched up after the accident. Are there any photos you can point me to that show improvement of scars that were stitched up that have benefitted from microneedling with Anteage stem cells? Thanks!
AnteAGE creates biosignals that turn off inflammation while also turning on the proliferation and migration of new cells to heal a wound. This results in scar free healing, without fibrosis, and with well constructed matrix fibers. The biochemistry is complex, but we have seen abundant evidence of the beneficial effect in all sorts of of wounds, incisions etc. I do a whole lecture on the subject for plastic surgeons and dermatologists.
My wife has requested skin care products for Christmas/birthday. She does not regularly use any products currently. Is 32 too young to start using AnteAGE or should she start with antioxidants, a moisturizer with HA and sunscreen? From what I have seen, your approach seems unparalleled.
Is it OK to use SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic in the morning before AnteAGE Serum and Accelerator? Can your products be used around the eyes? I am also using Z O Retamax at night. Can I remove this from my routine and just use your products?
This question gives us an opportunity to explain our philosophy in developing AnteAGE and AnteAGE MD Serum & Accelerator. Aside from our hero ingredient, conditioned media from laboratory culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the benefits of which are well described elsewhere on this blog, our desire was to make skincare simple, convenient, and complete. For this reason, the Serum & Accelerator contain well over a dozen other active ingredients including powerful antioxidants and retinol. While there is no harm in continuing to use the products you mentioned, the benefits you are seeking from them are already addressed in our Serum & Accelerator. Of course, we don’t want our products in eyes, the Serum in particular is well tolerated on the eye lids of most people. The Accelerator, being a little more “aggressive” may take acclimation. Again, keep it out of your eyes. BTW, we will be launching a sun screen product this next year as well as products for acne, skin brightening, and other indications. Exciting times ahead for us. You can watch our progress at anteage.com and md.anteage.com.
Hello Dr George & Dr. John:
I am about to order my 3rd set of AnteAGE and I notice in one of the comments above that you said BFE readers get a discount. How do we take advantage of this?
I have noticed huge improvements in my skin and am routinely told that I look 10 years younger than I am (I am 45) so I can’t be without my set for long! 🙂
Hi there,
As with many other readers, I too stumbled into your blog accidentally and what a nice “accident!” I’ve had stem cells treatment in my left labrum three years ago and just recently had an MRI done which stated “no evidence of tear!” That’s another story. So I’m a strong believer in stem cells anything. I’m in Australia and would like to know how and where I can purchase online the duo set of AnteAgeMD. I’ve noticed that there are some sellers online but am a little hesitant about the authenticity of the products. Your advice is much appreciated.
Hi from Australia!! I’ve recently ordered the AnteAGE set and am awaiting it’s arrival.Trusting that I have great results and continue with treatment, how do I get a BFT friend code to receive a discount from the AnteAGE website?
Hello, Dr John & Dr George,
I recently discovered your blog and in a few days I’ve become your biggest fan, I’ve gone through several posts, I just gotta say thank you both cause this is the kind of information I’ve been looking for so long and just couldn’t find on beauty and aesthetics websites.
I’ve been on a long journey for the past 8 months to improve my rolling acne scars, I’ve done 1 fractional laser and a few micro needling procedures. I use depigmentation cream, vitamic C serum, retinol and glycolic acid as topical treatment along with the mentioned aesthetic procedures, and yes, the scars look better, they were deep, you can still see them, but are indeed less noticeable. I have only 4-5 indented spots on my right cheek, that’s the only thing I’m hoping to get rid of!
I was wondering if you think AnteAge microneedling solution or serum could banish them even more to the point where you have to look really really close to see them, what are your toughts? How long do you think it will take to work?
I really appreaciate your response and your science explained here!
Happy new year!
Hi Dr George,
Many thanks for the most interesting and informative blog. Since my initial contact with you, I’ve ordered and received my sets of trial AnteAgeMD. I love them so much and the results have been astonishing. A refreshed, tight and clearer face to show!
Keep the good stuff happening! Many thanks. Cheers.
I believe I first came across this blog many years ago on a skin care forum, and I’m so happy to have recently rediscovered it. Plant “stem cells” were being marketed heavily at the time and if I remember correctly, Dr. John skewered those claims and saved me quite a bit of cash. I so deeply appreciate this blog and the information shared here. Is there a database or online locator for Anteage MD distributors? I’d like to locate a provider.
Our website does not yet have a published roster of MD resellers but if you can let us know where you live, we can provide local providers. If none are available yet in your locality, we’ll let you know that and provide you options to get product through a medical practice.
So called plant “stem cells” have been around for years. Heavily marketed with nonsense claims, more than anything they confused the market about what stem cells actually are. Dispelling those notions and educating consumers has been a major mission of BFT. As for locating an AnteAGE MD reseller, let us know where you live and we can take it from there.
I just made an appointment to receive microneedling, and the esthetician said she would be using your stem cell product. I am 29. My main concern are smile lines which are more pronounced than average. I also want the natural “glow” my skin had a few years ago. Is this worthwhile for someone my age and with my concerns?
I also looked into PRP with microneedling, but stem cells seems to have better overall reviews. Most of the reviews seem to be from older people though. What would you recommend for someone my age?
29 is not too young to start focusing on anti-aging skincare. It has been published that visible signs of aging in the skin, especially wrinkles and lines, begin in the early 30’s. Microneedling is well documented to improve skin appearance. Deep lines (like smile lines) are the result of changes in the deeper parts of the skin and are more difficult to reverse than fine and more superficial lines. Use of stem cell based products (we think ours is the most scientifically rational) has abundant proof of efficacy. There are, however, no stem cells in these products although the major hero ingredient is the conditioned media, the nutrient broth in which the cells have been cultured. The bio-signals (growth factors, cytokines and exosomes) produced by the cells are in the conditioned media.
Hi, I received co2 laser in oct. 2016 and have also been a sun lover for 40+ yrs. I’m turing 50 and i now have brown spots on my the sides of my neck. The aging rings of crepey skin and brown spots have me in search of a stem cell product. I rep’d a sample of the syrum and would like to find out more on how to get the 10% of and 25% for reorders. Please let me know. I am anxious to try it.
Dear Doctor,
Is it possible to use SkinMedica’s TNS with AnteAGE’s serum? How about combining Bioeffect’s EGF with the AnteAGE’s serum? Will these be a problematic combination making the active ingredients ineffective?
Is it possible to combine AHA/BHA and Retinoic Acid with cytokines (AnteAGE products)? I’m curious because they all work at the cellular level, especially retinoic acid and cytokines. Therefore I want to know if they will make each other ineffective.
Interesting question, but not sure what you are trying to accomplish. Poke around BFT and you’ll see TNS serum is 93%+ fibroblast conditioned media, a fully differentiated cell that is NOT a stem cell and is a very puny producer of bio-signals (growth factors and cytokines). This is a first generation product that dates back almost 20 years; so much has happened since then including research confirming the role played by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in tissue healing and regeneration throughout all organs. EGF has issues when used alone (there are posts here on that, too), first and foremost the fact that no single bio-signal is produced in normal physiology. All cells produces scores, if not hundreds of bio-signals. We see no reason to supplement AnteAGE Serum with TNS and certainly not with a product containing a single growth factor. We think you may be overthinking this.
AnteAGE Accelerator has a small dose of retinol and is used in conjunction with AnteAGE Serum, so no problem there. AHA and BHA are exfoliative topicals and our opinion is they are used episodically and not layered over AnteAGE products. The lower pH is not helpful in maintaining bio-signals potency.
I have been trying to find a physician or medical spa in the Tucson, AZ area that sells Anteage MD and haven’t had any luck. The places that I’ve called just try to sell me other stuff that I’m not interested in. Is there any way to find out who carries it without having to call around? Thanks in advance.
Although our reseller network expands weekly, it’s a big country. I’ll have a team member reach out to you. Thank you for your interest in our science and products.
I have not been able to find any Youtube product reviews and the social media pages for the products seem abandoned. Did AnteAGE re-brand to a different name? Is there an updated website with the recently launched products? I would love to try the products and put out a review so that it can have a more updated perspective on different platforms (Such as Facebook and Youtube). I am very hesitant about buying a product that doesn’t have that many consumer reviews, that is the only reason I am asking.
Kassandra – Try just googling on “AnteAGE” “Review” “Youtube” or “AnteAGE” “Review” “Facebook”. I get about 40,000 hits for each. Lots of false hits I’m sure (google isn’t perfect) , but I scrolled through pages of reviews, both professional & consumer.
I just ordered my set of Serum and Accelerator to use as well as the aftercare treatment for microneedle treatment. I have read your website in its entirety and am very impressed with your research and dedication to put out the truth. I’m looking forward to the cleanser and sunscreen that will hopefully come out sometime this year! Is there any particular face wash or toner that you would recommend to use in congunction with AnteAGE for now? I noticed one response explained that AHA/BHA topicals could affect the effectiveness of the serum and accelerator. I already missed my chance to save on my first order, but could you also give me the information for the reader’s discount for next time?? I’m very excited to try the product and plan to put up a consumer review on YouTube and my skincare forums on Facebook 🙂
Does/will Cellese offer any products with synthetic bio-identical growth factors instead of human-sourced ones?
I would feel safer using a synthetic option because human/animal proteins can carry diseases (by misfolding). This is why hormone therapies are synthetic (recombinant).
I really want to use a GF product and eagerly await your reply. 🙂
Hi Eleanor, yes! From our years of studying the “secretome” (quantitative pattern of cytokines and growth factors and cytokines from human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells) we have now been able to identify the key factors and produce that collection using recombinant technology (synthetic). These are, as you say, bio-identical, but not derived from human cell cultures. However, the problem of protein configuration changes e.g. folding is also theoretically present in synthetic versions, although the risk is only theoretical (no known instance of disease caused by topical protein delivery). I direct you to this paper in Nature Most protein folding problems are genetic disorders, where we make our own unstable proteins. But in may cases our own clever innate cell biology creates a chaperone molecule to keep the protein in the correct configuration until it is utilized. We do the same with our nano-lipid carriers, a type of protein chaperone that also improves skin penetration. However, we also have developed a whole set of procedures that preserve the integrity (including folding) and prevent degradation of all these bio-signaling proteinic molecules using nano-sized encapsulation (derived in art from our work in diabetes stem cell and islet/ beta cell implants).
Hello Doctors! Would you please comment on what I hear from some facialists–“you need to change up your skincare routine every so often as the skin gets used to the routine and needs to be challenged by changing products”. Is this true or just a way to get me to buy more products?
Makes no sense unless you are experiencing diminishing returns, or you want to venture into new territory because you have gained new knowledge of new technologies, or have some other reason to entice you. If you are getting highly satisfying results – why change? But to assume some skin fatigue factor is not scientific. Mind you – so many of the formulations being sold are non-science and potentially even harmful, and so I suppose i could argue that skin care “Russian Roulette” could be a better proposition than staying with something that is creating hidden, low level, smoldering inflammation. Read around BFT to get a feel for what we mean by that.
When a skin care product contains herb and fruit pulp or extracts, which the company says contain multiple vitamins and enzymes — is the skin able to use the extracts and make the vitamins [vit A and C] that are contained in them? I know in the Anteage products you use Vit A and C and don’t rely on extracts for them so does the skin convert the extracts to useable vitamins ,enzymes and minerals when vitamins are not added to the product.
Great question, Karen. What you point to here are claims for skin care products that are basically saying that slathering vegetable matter on your skin provides it with helpful vitamins like Vit A and C. The essential problem here is the assumption that skin can digest and absorb nutrients from these pulped extracts. This does not comport with known physiology of the skin – which does not have capabilities akin to the gastrointestinal system for dismantling complex carbohydrates and extracting micronutrients.Skin was not designed as a digestive organ. Rather, it is designed as a protective barrier to keep things out more than take things in. The enzymes contained in fruits and herbs are not the kind of enzymes your gut uses to aid in absorption. In fact some of then can be irritants. Now this is not to say that extracts of botanical sources are not useful. Many species of plants are known to create a fascinating array of chemicals (many of those in the flavone class) that can affect human skin or scalp in beneficial ways (e.g. antioxidants, follicular stimulation). But these extracts are highly refined, such that the therapeutic molecules end up being very highly concentrated, with extraneous plant material left behind. This assures that enough of the good stuff is present. Even so, many plant molecules are not well absorbed and so skin transport chaperones must be employed (e.g. NLC’s nano lipid carriers). Unlike some helpful botanical molecules, Vits. A & C are not present in high enough concentrations in plants, it becomes more practical to synthesize these in the laboratory for use in skin products. Also – in the lab these molecules can be conjugated to make them better absorbed by skin, another benefit. Not all Vit A or C is the same. Again – herbs on the skin not the same as food in the gut – where plant sources can be efficiently processed to extract vitamins what we need, for the most part.
Dear drgeorge and drjohn,
I am really interested in your products. I hope that I could find your blog earlier. After reading this article, I decide to give up skinmedica TNS serum. But yesterday I bought StemFactor
Growth Factor Serum online (I have’t received the product) from Osmosis (https://www.osmosisskincare.com/StemFactor.aspx). According to them, ‘StemFactor features advanced exosome technology to maximize the delivery of over 600 growth factors and skin proteins derived from adult stem cells that are easily recognized by the skin to improve all aspects of skin damage and aging. ‘ Any comments regarding the stem cell technology and ingredients used by Osmosis?
We are familiar with Osmosis StemFactor and are not impressed. Exosomes are produced by ALL cells during culture so all conditioned media based products, including ours, contain exosomes. If, on the other hand, specialized centrifugation and separation technologies are employed, it is possible to derive “concentrates” of exosomes. This process, however, is not fully developed and exosomes are very fragile. They are easily ruptured so the claim may or may not be significant unless Osmosis provides information as to how they “protect” the exosomes during manufacturing. In looking at the ingredients for this product one sees that stem cell conditioned media and fibroblast conditioned media are their “hero” ingredients.
As regular BFT readers know, the type of stem cell is critically important as to the effect one can expect from conditioned media produced in laboratory culture. Osmosis does not disclose what type of stem cell is cultured. We are well aware of their products and know that they use conditioned media from adipose (fat) derived stem cells, which produce highly inflammatory cytokine patterns. Fibroblast as discussed elsewhere on BFT are extremely puny producers of cytokines. Combine them together and you get something we are convinced makes no good physiologic sense. See our prior post on these types of products at the URL below, here on BFT.
Hi doc !
Love your blog and am excited to try the anteage md products. I remember reading that while there is evidence that cytokines aid in skin rejuvenation and have anti aging capabilities, they are often too large to actually penetrate the skin. What sort of delivery system does anteage use to allow the cytokines to actually penetrate the skin?
AnteAge uses nanotechnology to protect the delicate proteins, and to allow the to penetrate effectively. Specifically nanolipid carriers which uses a combination of natural (to humans) lipids already present in skin to create chaperones which carry the cytokines and growth factors through the skin barrier. It works quite well.Plus, because they are signaling molecules, you need very few of them because they cause your own deeper skin cells to make more of the same – sort of like a telegraph relay between skin cells. It’s called paracrine amplification, and you only get it with ACTIVE INGREDIENTS that are natural, native to humans. Makes sense – plants don’t speak the same language as human cells, so even if there were signaling molecules from botanical sources your own cells wouldn’t have receptors for them. That’s basic biology. And that is w one reason why this class of ingredients works so well.
Thank you for this blog! I first stumbled upon BFT when I was I investigating Renovage (and rightly suspicious I was!) –
I’m now interested in trying the AnteAge system.
In an earlier comment I think you discouraged using the serum or accelerator near the eyes- did I misinterpret? I’d love to know if the AntAge system is safe for use around the eyes, which is an area of concern for me.
I love that the system can simplify/replace a lengthier regimen. Do you think it would be safe to periodically exfoliate while using this system daily? I see that the serum has some salicylic acid, but I occasionally enjoy using a glycolic acid mask – would this be overkill? Thanks!
Exfoliation is fine. In fact AnteAge will accelerate the positive effects of exfoliation (quicker turnover of old surface skin). Glycolic is fine too. Yes – safe around eyes. Enjoy!
Hello doctors! Just purchased 2 new AnteAge products and had some opinions. The Cleanser is great! In the past I always had to double cleanse as I wear a tinted zinc sunscreen which is hard to remove. But now with your cleanser and a wash cloth, I no longer have to double cleanse as it does a great job using about a nickel’s worth. As to the new reformulated Accelerator, it looks and feels different. It feels lighter, not as greasy and seems to absorb quicker. I noticed you didn’t just replace the retinol but also changed the formula. Is this the lighter version that was mentioned earlier about the accelerator being changed to a lighter version? I do have to now use a little moisturizer over it to compensate for the lighter version. But I do feel it sinks in quicker than the older version. What was your reasoning for changing the formula to a lighter consistency? I also noticed that my skin is not as sensitive as it was when using the retinol version which for here in Florida with all the heat and humidity which can affect the skin. Would you also update us on any other products that are in the pipeline? I just wanted to complement you on producing such great products!
Karen, thank you for your kind words. The new Accelerator was developed to reduce, and hopefully totally eliminate, the issues a very small number of people had when using the original version, i.e. occasional pimple, redness, irritation, something we felt was likely related more to retinol than anything else. We also wanted it “lighter” as a few folks disliked the “greasiness”, although that number was also very small.
The benefits of retinol, however, were not eliminated. An added ingredient is bakuchiol, which has retinol-like activity without the side-effects.
References you may want to read are below.
Bakuchiol: a retinol-like functional compound revealed by gene expression profiling and clinically proven to have anti-aging effects.
Int J Cosmet Sci. 2014 Jun;36(3):221-30.
Prospective, randomized, double-blind assessment of topical bakuchiol and retinol for facial photoaging.
Br J Dermatol. 2018 Jun 27.
Two questions…I have seborrheic dermatitis. Will your product help hair that is lost around the edges due to this disease? I use clobetesol and it burns sometimes. Also, do your product help with dark circles and hollow eyes?
Seborrheic dermatitis in the hairline is not uncommon but depending on your age and genetics, your hair loss may be caused by male pattern baldness in addition to the possibility that seborrheic dermatitis may be playing a role. Scratching due to seborrheic dermatitis may cause follicle injury or dislodge hairs and associated inflammation may have a negative effect on hair growth. Keeping the dermatitis and inflammation under control, without the use of strong topical steroids would be preferable since long-term steroid use has its own problems including causing a hard to treat condition – steroid induced dermatitis. The two photos below show a young man whose hairline seborrheic dermatitis was treated using clobetesol, prescribed by his father, a family practice physician. He developed steroid induced dermatitis which was resistant to treatment and was more cosmetically devastating than the seborrheic dermatitis. The problem resolved within a couple weeks when AnteAGE Serum was used twice-a-day in his hairline. You may want to give it a try.
Dark circles under the eyes have several possible causes, and are commonly the result of dilation of vessels under the thin skin, or shadows caused by bags from edema (fluid accumulation.) Culprits include: allergies, eczema, contact dermatitis, fatigue, excessive pigmentation including hereditary pigmentation, sun exposure, and skin thinning and fat loss from aging, Treatments can vary from cosmetic concealers to chemical peels, laser, tattoos, fillers, even fat or surgical implants. If the cause is an inflammatory process that causes vascular dilitation, our products may be helpful because of their anti-inflammatory benefit.
Wow, I’ve really enjoyed reading all the science behind these products you’ve helped create, thanks for all the effort you’ve put in to explaining it. I was wondering what product you would recommend for a 6 month old surgical scar near my eye which I’m receiving monthly Pico laser treatments for (first one yesterday). I wear a silicon sheet during the day and I have an LED panel at home I was going to use as part of my scar recovery plan. I would like to add a topical/s to promote the best possible outcome and would love your advice. Thanks in advance! Oh and I’m in Australia so if you could point me towards a distributor that would be awesome.
Excellent and informative site! Can you tell what the difference is between the regular Anteage and Anteage MD? Also, who can I contact to find a list of local distributors for Anteage MD?
Both brands (AnteAGE and AnteAGE MD) are excellent and best-in-class. The technology in similar. The major difference is the MD versions contain more of the bone marrow stem cell conditioned media as well as certain especially potent synthetic growth factors. AnteAGE can be purchased online at anteage.com
and AnteAGE MD from medical practice resellers. Send us a private message to let us know where you are located. We’ll give you the names of nearby practices. We have several hundred resellers including some of the BIGGEST names in medical aesthetics. We are very proud of the quality of physician practices that have adopted our technology.
I am intrigued by the science behind AnteAGE and have a few questions:
1. For what age groups would you recommend this product? Is it more for repair or prevention?
2. What % of retinol in your accelerator?
3 is it safe to use GFs or can it cause accelerated growth of cells or cancer?
Thank you!
1. AnteAGE (and AnteAGE MD) are appropriate for adults of any age, to prevent or slow the aging effects of sun, toxins, etc., or to help reverse them as one ages. We have women in their 20s who are regular users, and women in the 60s and 70s who wouldn’t dream of not apply it every day.
2. The retinoid (vitamin A-like compounds) in our products was changed from retinol several years ago to a botanical derived compound with stellar retinoid effect but without potential for creating redness, dryness and irritation.
3. To the best of our knowledge, there has yet to be a reported case of abnormally accelerated cell growth or cancer from topical skincare products containing human cell culture-derived conditioned media or combinations of synthetic growth factors. Industry-wide, there are many, many millions of applications of such product over two decades of time. A perfect safety record should speak volumes to allay consumers’ concerns.
I am looking for a product with actives that will brighten my skin and wonder if they would interfere with AnteAGE. BTW, it does appear that AnteAGE is causing some pigmented spots to come to the surface and flake off a bit. Is this consistent with what you have seen AnteAGE do?
We have many AnteAGE users tell us their pigmented spots improve with regular use. The anti-inflammatory effect is helpful for people prone to postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and the improved cellular turn over helps superficial pigmented corneocytes (dead keratinocytes that have migrated to the skin surface) slough off. (Exfoliation can help this process, too.) You may be pleased to learn that we recently launched an AnteAGE MD Brightener product for daily use, specifically formulated to help with pigmentation issues (and with nary a molecule of hydroquinone in the formula.)
I am wondering if Anteage MD can be safely be used on the lips to restore some lost volume and firmness? I prematurely lost volume and firmness due to dermarolling going wrong.
We’re not sure what you mean by dermarolling “going wrong.” By all means, you can feel free to use our products on your lips although expecting significant volume and firmness restoration is something we can not predict. Please let us know what you see.
The picture of the Danish Pharmacist with rosacea question: What products in your line did he use specifically? His results are quite impressive.
I suggested he discontinue all topicals and use only AnteAGE Serum every six hours. Over the next 48 hours, his skin became much less inflamed. Being a pharmacist, he was astounded. It surpassed his prior personal experience with topical steroids.
I’m very interested in these products and have a question:
Do the Anteage or Anteage MD serums alone display any benefit for atrophic/indented scars? I understand that in addition to microneedling, they could help in this regard, but could they also be useful for these types of scars without micro needling?
Thanks in advance!
Atrophic scars represent significant localized loss of collagen, elastin and matrix, with fibrosis replacement. Indented scars may also have adhesive tissue tethered to deeper structures that “pull” the scar inward. Depending on the cause and severity of the scar, different approaches may be needed to achieve optimum aesthetic improvement.
Common methods of treatment include:
Chemical peels
Subcision (cutting the tethering bands to allow the scar to rise more to skin level
Skin needling
There is certainly a place for our products, especially our microneedling solution with and immediately after microneedling treatments. Topical treatment with our serum products may or may not help, with the deeper the scar, the less likely the significant improvement without other modalities.
Certainly, a “try it and see” approach would not in any way be harmful, and potentially make the appearance less noticeable. Our hunch is, however, that this might best be used in conjunction with other treatments, and more so the worse the degree of scarring.
I have been using your serum and accelerator for healing after a chemical peel which was 15 days ago. Most of my skin is now pink but I still have a couple of scabs that are still healing. Do you recommend still using both products or should I only be using the serum until my skin goes back to normal color?
Also, isn’t pink skin from a peel normal skin or is that still known as healing skin?
Two weeks is plenty of time for the acute phase of post-chemical peel healing. And yes, pink-colored skin is normal and will persist for some time. Remember that melanin is taken up by keratinocytes after being produced and released by melanocytes. Keratinocytes slowly work their way to the surface as new cells are produced underneath, carrying with them the melanin they have incorporated. Your chemical peel removed your surface layer, which contained substantial amounts of pigment. When that is removed, fresh, newer-looking skin becomes visible. Feel free to use the serum and accelerator to keep you refreshed skin looking its best.
I have been using the AnteAGE serum and accelerator for a couple of weeks now and I am totally in love with both of them. I was just wondering though…is this all I really need to use, besides sunscreen? It seems too good to be true after reading so much about the importance of long skincare routines.
I am in my late 20s and I don’t want to overcomplicate anything. I was just wondering if it was advised to pair these products with an occasional exfoliant, heavier moisturizer, or something else? Thank you again!
We’re pleased that you are enjoying our products. (As many readers know, your BFT hosts’ day jobs are at Cellese Regenerative Therapeutics, makers of AnteAGE and AnteAGE MD products.)
These are complex products with more active ingredients than any other skincare system of which we are aware. In short, there is no need to use a whole slew of additional products for daily skincare, except, of course, something for sun protection. You can also use an occasional exfoliant and heavier moisturizer, as you suggest. No issue. BTW, we will soon be releasing a moisturizer that you may want to consider trying. You can check-in at anteage.com which will announce its release.
FIRST COMMENT: I’m an avid BFT fan and as a medical aesthetician, forever grateful for your wealth of knowledge shared with all on this site. I have been personally using the Anteage system for 18 months and couldn’t be happier with the efficacy. Super thrilled!
Can you please comment on this recent YouTube video in which a competing company’s scientist warns consumers to stop using bone marrow growth factor serums, citing many dangers associated with their use and of course, claiming clinical superiority and safety of his adipose stem cell products. Without mentioning by name, he takes aim at Anteage saying there are no scientists at the helm, just a ‘couple of retired physicians’ putting out fallacious information. It was difficult listening to him.
SECOND COMMENT: This youtube video is recently out and I believe this Dr from Neogenesis is almost calling out AnteAge by name. Is it just me? In the questions/answers below, they actually do. Would love to see your response to this.
THIRD COMMENT: I’m very confused. NeoGenesis purports that products that utilize BMSC are potentially unsafe with regard to cell proliferation and cancer. They claim adipose stem cells aren’t pro-inflammatory and safer/better. Please help me to understand and be reassured that AnteAge is safe. Thanks so much.
BFT hopes to be able to address these reader comments in the near future. We are not able to do so until an event occurs that is not under our control. We’ll explain in the upcoming post. Stay tuned.
I am in my late 40s and seeing jowls and loose skin (like little pockets) sagging around the sides of my mouth. My skin surface texture is actually pretty great, but the underlying structure is obviously suffering. Is this loose, saggy skin needing tightening something that anteAGE can address, or is it not intended for this need?
It’s important to avoid or block solar radiation throughout life, and use good quality skincare products to maintain superficial skin health. The problem you are describing, generalized sagging of the lower facial skin with increasing age is a problem common to all. Gravity is not our friend over the decades – we sag everywhere eventually. Even bodybuilders with little body fat, see skin sagging in later years. Loss of muscle and deeper fat deposits, and lax deeper supporting structures contribute. Topical products, including ours, have limitations in addressing such issues. Professional dermal needling can help restore dermal collage and help fill scar voids and reduce the appearance of striae (“stretch marks”). Regular interval treatments can maintain a much younger appearance. Fractional ablative laser is useful.
Sagging of deeper structures in the face and elsewhere requires other approaches. Fillers can be helpful to “refill” depleted fat deposits and areas with dermal atrophy. Noninvasive or minimally invasive treatments using radio-frequency and ultrasound can be very effective. “Effortless” muscle contractions using sophisticated electromagnetic stimulation can improve deeper muscle tone and bulk. Thread lifts are also used to elevate facial skin to restore the “triangle of youth.”

You have mentioned that AnteAGE products were designed to be a complete product on their own. Of the Serum and Accelerator, if you were to recommend just one (mostly for economical reasons) which would you say is more potent, effective, or foundational, and could it effectively deliver results without the other?
The Serum and Accelerator were formulated to complement each other. One contains more aqueous-borne (“water-loving”) active ingredients (Serum), and the other more lipid-borne (“fat or oil-loving”) actives. Our hero ingredient for many of our products is bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell conditioned media. The Serum product contains much more of this active than the Accelerator, so for this reason, if you want one or the other, we say the Serum. Just so you are aware, others have found that they can use the Accelerator only two or three times a week and still enjoy some of its benefits. We recommend both being used 2x a day, but understand this may be more of an investment for you. Hope this helps.